1. Web and blog of the project
2. School campaign for the eSafety
3. Conceptual maps of teaching units of different subjects
4. Videos clips or role playing done and shared in digital platforms
5. Collection of comics about robots
6. Collection of infographics
7. Games with various digital tools
8. Online questionnaires and statistics
10. Collaborative books of Fiction Science
12. Multilingual online / printed vocabulary
13. Videos summarize about the Classroom of the future & erasmus
AIM1-Development of digital literacy in students, teachers, schools and families, to adapt to new social demands in everyday life;
ACTIVITIES: 1. Collaborative wall with a list of apps
AIM2-Promoting the responsible and safe use of the internet by all the agents that participate in the educational process.
ACTIVITIES: 1. Decalogue of rules for e-Safety
AIM3-Promoting autonomy and self-learning encouraging students the share the knowledge by the network
ACTIVITIES: 1. The creation of a personal blog about hobbies or interest, with one post every month of the project
2. Role playing video
3. Creative and original personal presentation and school presentation
4. eTwinning project
AIM4- Developing creativity, critical thinking and constructivism by different digital tools, to solving problems
ACTIVITIES: 1.Online questionnaires
2. Conceptual maps of teaching units
3. Posters about: how robots can help us?
4. Video explanation of a teaching unit
AIM5- Developing linguistic competences in English as a basis for communication between European citizens and in internet.
ACTIVITIES: 1. Interactive books or collaborative writing of stories or tales;
2. Collection of infographics of different subjects searching and selecting information.
3. Comics about robots
4. Multilingual vocabulary
AIM6- Compensating inequalities and discrimination, through equal opportunities by the development of digital competences in education
ACTIVITIES: 1. eBooks with sentences
2. Creation of video dancing
3. To be an influencer: are you a youtuber?
4. Virtual Erasmus Trip
AIM7-Creating of a new teacher profile, new school facilities adapted to the new digital conditions,
ACTIVITIES: 1. Workshop for teachers: PBL problem-based learning, flipped classroom...
2. Creation of the Classroom of the future
3. Adapting data regulation at school
4. To get to know educative systems in european participating countries
All activities have been done by the etwinning project and everybody can see them in