Educación, integracion y sostenibilidad
Special Education in Finland – Original Best Practices Benchmarking course: SEN Teaching Edition
14-20 mayo 2023
Helsinki, Finland 2plazas/7dias
Rúbrica inicial
Sunday, 14th of May
15.30 Visiting Oodi – the public learning centre in downtown of Helsinki * 3D printing, posters, coding, robotics & free workshop areas for all
* a brand new library concept
* A little sightseeing tour of Helsinki (a walking tour, optional)
17.45à Welcome Dinner; Harald Viking restaurant, Aleksanterinkatu 21 (Citykäytävä), 00100 Helsinki, Finland.
Monday, 15th of May
Meeting place & venue: AIDA Auditorium (1st floor)
9:30 WELCOME TO FINLAND: Introduction to Finland & the course / Mr. Petri Ilmonen, Principal of TRYcamps Language School & Your Host
A Get to Know Each Other! / Mr. Petri Ilmonen, Principal
The Pisa Studies/ Mr. Petri Ilmonen, Principal
12:00 Lunch
13:00 ICT in Teaching and Learning Pedagogical approach Hands-on workshop/Mr. Petri Ilmonen, Principal
The Basics of the Finnish School System + the new law of compulsory school up to 18/21y / Mr. Petri Ilmonen, Principal
Coffe break
14:45 ICT in my teaching. Asession of Sphero Balls and MakeyMakey coding/ Mr.Antti Erola, Home room Teacher & ICT Coordinator the School.
Please dowload Sphero EDU app onto your mobile/tabletsif you want to play with the spheros!
16: Independent work / Workshop: Personal or team time for notes, diaries & talks
Tuesday, 16th of May
Meeting place & venue: Järvenpää Station (Zone D)
9:00 A visit to Harjulan Kampus, Järvenpää (grades 1-6)
three little schools in one:
inclusion and flexible special education
Open start-flexible grouping as a form of support during first school years
Co-teaching and teaching in teams
shared learning environment
11:45 Lunch break
13:00 Me &my SEN students (profund needs) and ICT/ special education teachers , Mrs. Suvi Orasuo
coffe break
14:30 Inclusion and co-teaching
/Mrs Paullina Pohtola, Home room teachers
16:00 Workshop: Personal or team time for notes, diaries & talks
Wednesday, 17th of May
Meeting place and venue:
8;20 Kivistö train station
9:00 A visit to Kannisto School (grades 1.6)
Flexible Special Education /Marita and Meikku Kliski, homeroom teachers and coordinators of international affairs
12:30 Lunch
13-16 Participants share their experience: a short presentation of your school & your teaching / pedagogical approaches / the best tools you use - PLEASE NOTE: MAX LENGHT: 10 mins & 3-4 SLIDES!
Thursday, 18th of May
Meeting place and venue:
9:30 Tikkurila train station
10:00 A study visit to the Learning Centre for the Finnish Students:
• Hands-on learning: science
• Experience the Finnish Nature as the students and pupils are learning it
• Animal learning – rats playing basketball
• Aurora borealis Theathre
12:30 Lunch
13:00 A visit to city library Oodi, Helsinki city center
meeting place and venue: Töölönlahdenkatu, Helsinki
Special Education in Finland /Mr. Petri Limonen, Principal
16:00 coffee & workshop : erasmus diary, team talks and networking
Friday, 19th of May
9:00 - 11:00 A visit to Havukoski School (grades 6-9) /Principal Mr.Arto Martikainen
Meeting place and venue: Tarhakuja 2
How to transform and old school into a new one
(renovation of the building &the pedagogical approach of the staff/ Mr.arto Martikainen, Principal)
12:00 Lunch in Tikkurila
13: 00 Seppo- interactive learning game outdoor.
Explore Tikkurila /Annika Ronkainen, education coordinator
Saturday, 20th of May
OPTIONAL tour and the Fazer chocolate factory &and experience shop and coffee
10:00 Conclusions of the week
“What I am taking home with me and my first steps towards the future” -workshop
The final Q&A
Evaluation talk & Certificate ceremony
Isla de Soumenlinna
Finland forest
Sauna sesion and bath
The Learning Centre for the Finnish Students, Heureka
Oodi Helsinki Central Library
Calles y monumentos
¿Qué define al sistema educativo finlandés?
Para la sociedad finlandesa, la educación es la base y el futuro del desarrollo del país; por lo que una buena educación asegurará buenos futuros profesionales.
- Todos los niños puedan acceder a una educación pública de calidad en la que no existen ningún tipo de tasas de matrícula y en la que trasporte y comida son completamente subvencionados, Educación gratuita y accesible
- Uno de los objetivos principales del sistema educativo finlandés es el de otorgar igualdad de posibilidades a todos los niños a la hora de recibir una educación pública sobresaliente, se consigue través de la financiación con dinero público de un sistema educativo integral que apuesta por la excelencia tanto en alumnos como en profesores.
- Reparto equitativo del presupuesto para educación, existe una base de subvención para todos los centros, pero la cantidad finalmente destinada a cada uno puede variar según las necesidades de este, de esta forma se busca equiparar todas las escuelas para ofrecer igualdad de condiciones.
- Selección rigurosa de profesionales los aspirantes a profesores deben realizar un período de prácticas de tres años. y realizar estudios en pedagogía; y Máximo respeto por el cuerpo docente y Formación constante del cuerpo docente debe realizar una formación continua y complementaria